...all Big Bear Valley third graders...

“Experience Big Bear Lake”

For More Information

Call (909) 866-5796

Event Activities

Fish Identification

Fish Handling

Safe Boating

Life Jackets

“A Clean Lake is a Healthy Lake”

Know Your Lake

Fishing Equipment

Participants Receive

KOOL Kids T-Shirt

Hot Dog Lunch,

Goodie Bag

    The KOOL Kids Program was piloted during the summer of 2007 and has now been established as an annual event that is held by the District for Bear Valley third grade students and their teachers.  All three elementary schools in the Bear Valley School District are invited to attend.  Participation by the three elementary schools provides a lake learning opportunity and experience for about 250 school children and 10 to 15 third grade teachers.  The KOOL Kids Program was designed to introduce Bear Valley youth to Big Bear Lake, while at the same time explaining to them what a watershed is and how human activities in the watershed impact the lake.

    The biggest bonus of the day is that each student will fish for bluegill in our special lake area created just for this event! And....all of the youngsters received goodie bags with items from each session, along with a KOOL KIDS T-shirt as well as a hot dog lunch.
The students not only have a lot of fun but go home with an increased awareness of Big Bear Lake.